The Weekly Wrap-Up: Why Exercise Isn’t Working Out with Darryl Edwards
It was fantastic having Darryl Edwards on The Weekly yesterday to blow a breath of fresh air into our idea of exercise and how truly important movement is in every area of our lives!
Take a look below for some of the key takeaways from this week’s session and get motivated to move once again.
Avoid Convenience: One of the best ways you can begin to change your lifestyle is by avoiding convenience wherever you go. Darryl recommends taking the stairs, actively commuting and having sit to stand desks to get you started.
Break Up Your Sedentary Time: Get up as often as you can. Stand up when you’re taking a call or, perfect for those returning to the office soon, start making a point to always walk to your colleague’s desks rather than sending an email every time.
Create More Movement Opportunities: Waiting for the kettle to boil? Stand on one leg, walk on the spot or up the stairs. Darryl also recommends whilst working, to create an environment where you can have standing or walking meetings. Would it be possible to take part in your next zoom call whilst on a walk?
Develop a Playful Approach: It’s so important to have fun whilst moving to keep it sustainable. Try gamification, buddying up with a colleague or creating challenges at work.
Thank you for joining us for yesterday’s session of The Weekly. To continue your journey to building a healthier lifestyle through movement you can book in a bespoke PepTalk with Darryl here.
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